I am an economic historian who studies the interactions between agrarian development, institutions, and environmental change.

I teach at the Social Sciences Department, Carlos III University of Madrid.


‘Unsustainable prosperity? Decoupling wellbeing, economic growth, and greenhouse gas emissions over the past 150 years’, World Development (with J. Infante-Amate and E. Aguilera). [link]

‘Environment, Slavery, and Agency in Colonial Uruguay, 1750-1810,’ Past & Present, 265, 1, 57–96. [link]

‘What happened to the workshop of West Africa? Resilience and decline of handicraft textiles in colonial Northern Nigeria, 1911-1952,’ Economic History Review (with T. Westland) [link]

‘Historical changes in Mediterranean rural settlements (Southern Spain, 1787-2019),' Journal of Rural Studies 106, 103217 (with J. Infante-Amate and J.L. Martínez de la Fuente) [link]

Emiliano Travieso in a colonial estancia site

Photo by Ernesto Sosa